Thursday, November 12, 2009

Report from thunderland!

"Mayday mayday, i need help! I'm serious. Someone!"

*sneaks around the house, darts across the room*
AHHHHH!!! It's attacking me. With it's thunders. Noo.

*looks around suspiciously* It doesn't know i'm here.
Someone save me! It's going to strike me with it's lightning.
Soon enough, they're going to know, i'm home alone.

Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone,
I keep waiting, for you but you never come..

*snaps back to reality* Oops, total random struck there.

Backs to the report... 1750 hours, Section A, CODE BLACK!

It's raining so heavily,
Wind is so strong even though i've shut the exits,
It's getting very dark, lights are running out on me,
Food! *ransacks* It's insufficient.
Amount of survivers, *looks around* one.
Send me basic needs now! and i'm out!

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