Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Claus

Christmas is in less than a week time. 5 more days!
Yet, I'm still not done with all the shopping yet. Gah. Stress!
I shall finish up by tomorrow. A few more presents to go.
I'm gonna go return my text books with Vee around 10am.
Guess what? I can't freagging find my Moral text book. *stares*
Cause the construction workers just dumped everything in one room.
Oh well, I guess I'll have to pay around 10 bucks for the book?

After that, we might just stone at McD with free wifi or Papparich.
Wait for Leysha to go eat lunch together. Haha, she still has SPM! :P
Then, I'm gonna go ou to shop for a bit. Hopefully it won't be too packed.
And, please please let me find a parking close to the exit. :D
Tomorrow Sheryll and I gonna go cut our hair at acutabove, Midvalley.
We got coupons from Cheer Jam 2010. I didn't get mine, but she got two.

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