Sunday, June 5, 2011

Comes around

So, today my dad is being very nice to me. Hee.
For my birthday this year, he got me a Nikon D3100.
Initially when he asked me what I wanted, I said a camera.
Then I started looking around for models that I like.
I settled with G12 cause I thought a compact camera would be good.
But in the end my dad bought me a dslr instead. :D

Conclusion: I'm a happy child today. :D

1. Dear self, PLEASE EXERCISE.
2. I need to shop. Really. I'm out of clothes to wear.
3. I want to CHEER again, let's go, burn em fats, raise em spirits.
4. Clean my room. I can't even see the floor to this place.
5. Clean my study room. I don't even "study" there anymore.
6. Oh! Not forgetting to rearrange my very much clustered cupboard.
7. IF I ever get a camera asap, take loads and loads of pictures to feel more girly.
8. I need a vacation. With my friends. With my sisters.
9. I need to partay! I need to dance. I need to let loose!

I forgot to add in one more. Last but VERY IMPORTANT!

10. Clean my god damn car. HAHA! Inside out. :D

Tomorrow I shall clean my car and study room. Woots!

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