Saturday, March 3, 2012

Drive by

Jeanny just revived her blog, please do check it out. The link is on the bottom right side. She did a whole recap since beginning of last year till now. So I had this sudden thought of comparing pictures of myself since 2006 till now. That's 6 years! But of course I won't show all of the pictures. Why? It's too embarrassing of course. I'll show three pictures, and out of three, one is from 2006.

Okay be prepared!

2006 (I'm on the left and Xin Yi's on the right)
I swear I'm not shitting you that this is me! Oh well, people grow right? :D



Plus, I don't think I change that much since 2009 onwards. The hair is the same, everything. Probably just my dressing change a little bit. For the better of course - Haha. This is just some sort of an entertainment for you people. :D Going badminton tomorrow with ze lovelies! 

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